BORA hansgrohe German Professional CyclingBand of Brothers

Primož Roglič strikes again

8th stage - 2nd victory. Primož Roglič has added another chapter to his impressive Grand Tour history. Today's win is his 21st stage victory in one of the three grand tours. But it wasn't the hunt for records that was decisive today - the hunt for seconds is currently taking centre stage. 


Roglič has made up almost a minute on the current leader of the Vuelta over the past two days. He remains in second place in the overall standings, now 3:49 minutes behind Ben O'Connor. With the stage win, Roglič also takes the lead in the mountain classification and will start tomorrow in the blue dotted jersey. After the previous red and white jerseys, Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe now has another classification jersey for the 2024 Vuelta in its ranks.

Primož Roglič

It was another tough day, the chance to win the stage was there and I took it. I was lucky to have the legs for it today. We'll see how my body reacts to this effort. So we'll enjoy the moment and try our best again tomorrow.

Tomorrow's ninth stage leads through the Sierra Nevada. With more than 4500 metres in altitude, it puts the previous mountain stages in the shade. It is undoubtedly the biggest challenge for the riders in the first half of the Vuelta.