BORA hansgrohe German Professional CyclingBand of Brothers

Auto Eder and BORA - hansgrohe extend contract

It is a partnership that is existing since the day the team was founded. Now the contract between the Auto Eder Group and BORA - hansgrohe has been extended. Auto Eder, the largest car dealer in southern Bavaria with 20 own dealerships, provides the vehicle fleet for the team. In the coming season, the fleet will be expanded for the first time with Volvo cars.


BORA - hansgrohe uses more than 20 vehicles from the Auto Eder Group to contest a season with more than 250 race days. In addition to the in-race cars for the sports directors, these are also vehicles for the staff, vans and transporters. Having previously used exclusively Ford vehicles, Volvo will celebrate its premiere with BORA - hansgrohe from the coming season. The premium cars will complement the Ford commercial vehicles in the fleet.


Ralph Denk, Team Manager BORA - hansgrohe: "Auto Eder has been at our side since day one and the success story continues. Such a long-term relationship has become rare. It shows how great our mutual trust is. BORA - hansgrohe is entering its 15th season with Auto Eder and for the first time the Volvo brand is joining our team fleet. To be at the front in the biggest cycling races, we rely on top equipment and top service from our partners. This is exactly what Auto Eder stands for."